Saturday, July 25, 2009

california reception

since our wedding was in NJ and we live in CA, we had another reception for all of our california friends and family. Good food, great friends, dancing, talking... it was tons of fun! And... I got to wear my dress again!!! thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with us!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

the flood

we've been married for less than a month and we're LOVING it! this week, we had quite an adventure!!!
on my first day of work, I got a call from Davey that our neighbor's toilet overflowed and leaked into our apt and flooded the bedroom and living room.
For 4 days we lived in a complete disaster, with couches in the kitchen, soggy carpets, plumbers everywhere... we slept in the living room with loud fans blowing under our carpets.

We sailed through this "bad time" with each other and now have a crazy memory of our first month together :-)

Thursday, July 16, 2009